By: Sebastian Toro
Is something like a trend.....the shorts attacks in chinese companies are something so predictable that is like a trend,
Today muddy waters make a bearish report on RINO saying that the company is a fraud. By the way who the f... are muddy waters???
well muddy waters is a nobody web page, without history, without a web page created something like 6 months ago with the only purpose to short stocks and then make an attack on them to win a profit.
Have you seen Wall street 2 the movie? well its look like this guys saw that movie and learn to short stocks and then create panic. (the sec should do something about this shaddy people)
The first report of this muddy waters dubious page was an attack on ONP---- the company has a big hit that day, but after that the company and some wall street serious investors and analyst post some articles defending the company and the result was that the company really exists and also the company recover the price since the malicious attack by muddy water.
This is a post of that attack:
"Yet, last week, a newly created website for a company called Muddy Waters published its first-ever report, suggesting that ONP was a fraud. Last Thursday, the stock lost 38% of its value in the first hour of trading. A couple of readers sent me emails describing how their brokers sold all ONP stock on Thursday, because they were purchased on margin. This accelerated the rapid price drop.
However, on Friday, 6 million shares were traded and the stock gained over 50% after a number of articles (including one by Rick Pearson and one by me, both published on TheStreet) questioning the validity of Muddy Waters' claims.
On Tuesday morning this week, ONP released a comprehensive press release, rebutting the vast majority of Muddy Waters' allegations. The response was far-reaching and detailed. Since then, Muddy Waters' website(the company published its last comment on Tuesday, ahead of the ONP release), which had been giving daily updates since it first lobbed its accusations against ONP, has been silent." the company attack RINO and this is just another malicious short attack. if you take a look at RINO the short interest is high and the stock was heading to 20 so a lot of bear were being slaughtered.
The most funny thing of the muddy waters report was the headline...take a look:
"Use of Muddy Waters LLC’s research is at your own risk" LOL
then the report continue:
" You should assume that as of the publication date of any report, Muddy Waters, LLC (possibly along with or through our members, employees, and / or consultants) along with our clients has a short position in the stock (and / or options of the stock) covered herein, and therefore stands to realize significant gains in the event that the price of the stock declines."
So they are saying you that they WANT to tumble the stock price to make a they are making a false report, saying that they have shorts in the stock and saying that they want that the stock go down....and people believe in that report??
My friends this is an organized attack just to make the stock price to drop and make a profit!! this is a big buying opportunity! This dubious muddy waters just want to make a profit from your panic, dont believe all their lies.
and the headline continues:
"Following publication of any report, we intend to continue transacting in the securities covered therein.....Waters, LLC has obtained all information contained herein and in reports from sources we believe to be accurate and reliable. However, such information is presented "as is," without warranty of any kind – whether express or implied. Muddy Waters, LLC makes no representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any such information or with regard to the results to be obtained from its use. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice"
Now they say that they will trade after the report, and also they say that the information could be they are saying: hey look this is a false report, we are short, we want to create panic.....and the people believe that....Well i dont believe in any of those lies....
RINO is a great company they will be reporting earnings next monday and soon they will defend against this malicious attacks. dont sell your shares, dont believe in this organized attacks.
At the current price (13usd) the company is trading at 5.7x Earnings and 1.5x their book value. This is a very cheap company, buying at this prices its a bargain and a big opportunity.
RINO isnt an OTC company they trade on Nasdaq, they have their auditors and they have a real and a profitable bussiness........and who is muddy waters?? just a company that trade shorts positions and create panic.
The institutional holders of RINO stocks are UBS, Bank of america, Deustche Bank, barclays and credit suisse beside others....
Just the last quarter Deustche Bank increase their positions at RINO by 38%.....they know what they are buying, they are a serious company and not an scam like muddy waters.
If you look at my posts i also defend UTA from some attacks some months ago...the share price drop to 3.3 and now is trading at this is almost a 100% gain..the shorts loose, the information was false, and this is just the same...another short organized attack.
So finally, this kinds of attacks has benn common in Chinese small caps, look at UTA and ONP recently attacked and both regain their prices before the attack, both were real companies and now the shorts are losing big money there. Rino its the same a very interestig company, at a very good price and in my opinion this attack is just a big buying opportunity that im going to take advantage and i hope that the market does that too.
Best regards.
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